Nuclear data requirements for accelerator driven sub-critical systems — A roadmap in the Indian context
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Papers presented in the National Workshop on Nuclear Data for Reactor Technology and Fuel Cycle, 7–10 March 2005, Mumbai, India
S Ganesan and R Srivenkatesan, Indian nuclear data activities and perspectives, Presented at the 26 INDC Meeting, 8–11 May 2006, IAEA Head Quarters, Vienna, Austria, GenIV (2006), See the website of Generation IV systems:
S Ganesan, India: Recent experimental activities in basic and integral nuclear data, and perspectives NDS, IAEA, Austria, WPEC, Paris, 4–5 May 2006
IAEA-TECDOC-985, Accelerator driven systems: Energy generation and transmutation of nuclear waste, Status Report, November 1997, IAEA, Vienna
IAEA-TC-903.3, Proceedings of the International Atomic Energy Agency Technical Committee Meeting on ‘Feasibility and Motivation for Hybrid Concepts for Nuclear Energy Generation and Transmutation, Madrid, Spain, 17–19 September 1997
F Carminati, I Goulas and J P Revol, A nuclear data base for the EA Monte Carlo, CERN/AT/EET 95-008, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, 2006
C Rubbia et al, Conceptual design of a fast neutron operated high power energy amplifier, Report No. CERN/AT/95-44(ET) Geneva, Switzerland, 1995
C Rubbia et al, A high resolution spallation driven facility at the CERN-PS to measure neutron cross-sections in the interval from 1 eV to 250 MeV, Report No. CERN/LHC/98-02 (EET), May 30, 1998
C Rubbia et al, A high resolution spallation driven facility at the CERN-PS to measure neutron cross-sections in the interval from 1 eV to 250 MeV: A relative performance assessment, Report No. CERN/LHC/98-02 (EET)-Add-1, June 15, 1998
A J Koning, A Hogenbirk and O Bersillon, High energy nuclear data files: From ENDF/B-6 to NJOY to MCNP, p. 1041, Vol. 59, Proceedings of the International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, Trieste, Italy, 19–24 May 1997 edited by G Reffo, A Ventura and G Grandi, Italian Physical Society, Bologna
D Saha and R K Sinha, Indian advanced nuclear reactors, Invited talk, CDROM Proceedings of Sixteenth Annual Conference of Indian Nuclear Society (INSAC-2005) edited by S Ganesan et al, Nov. 15–18, 2005, Mumbai
R K Sinha and S Banerjee, Nuclear energy to hydrogen, International Conference on Roadmap to Hydrogen Economy, INAE, Hyderabad, March 4–5, 2005
I V Dulera, A Basak, P P Kelkar and R K Sinha, Compact high temperature reactor (CHTR), Contributed paper, CDROM Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual Conference of Indian Nuclear Society (INSAC-2005) edited by S Ganesan et al, Nov. 15–18, 2005, Mumbai
S Ganesan, New reactor concepts and new nuclear data needed to develop them, Invited talk, International Conference on Nuclear Data ND2004, Santa Fe, USA, American Institute of Physics (AIP) Conference Proceedings CP769, May 2005, pp. 1411–1416
S Ganesan, Nuclear data needed to develop new nuclear systems, role of n_TOF facilities to measure resonance cross-sections and nuclear data needs of thorium fuel cycle, Invited talk, Nuclear Physics & Astrophysics at CERN (NuPAC), Oct. 10–12, 2005, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
See the website of INPRO for details:
See the website of Generation IV systems:
Y Kadi, Nuclear data methods for ADS design, ICTP Workshop, (2001)
IAEA-TECDOC-1356, Emerging nuclear energy and transmutation systems: Core physics and engineering aspects, August 2003, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria
A Herrera-Martínez, M Dahlfors, Y Kadi and G T Parks, A report ‘Partitioning and Transmutation Current developments — 2004’ from the Swedish reference group on P&T-research, Per-Eric Ahlström (editor) addresses the issues on nuclear data for ADSS (2004)
Y Ikeda, Nuclear data relevant to accelerator driven system, J. Nucl. Sci. Tech. Supplement 2, 13 (2002)
IAEA-TECDOC-1365, Review of national accelerator driven system programmes for partitioning and transmutation, Proceedings of an Advisory Group Meeting held in Taejon, Republic of Korea, 1–4 November 1999. Published (2003). IAEA, Vienna, Austria
V Kumar, H Kumawat and Manish Sharma, Role of (n, xn) reactions in ADS, IAEA-benchmark and the Dubna CASCADE Code of the Proceeding of WP-ADS-E&T 2006 Jaipur, India, Jan. 23–25, 2006
S Ganesan, Experiences in basic processing of evaluated nuclear data files: Linearization, resonance reconstruction, Doppler broadening and cross section averaging, in Proceedings of the Workshop on Nuclear Reaction Data and Nuclear Reactors — Physics, Design and Safety, 15 April–17 May 1996; International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy, Book by World Scientific and Co. (1998)
S Ganesan, Nuclear data needed to develop advanced nuclear systems, pp. 9–17, Invited talk, Proceedings of Sixteenth Annual Conference of Indian Nuclear Society (INSAC-2005) edited by S Ganesan et al, Nov. 15–18, 2005, Mumbai
For more details see the CERN n_TOF website:
S Ganesan, A review of the current status of nuclear data for major and minor isotopes of thorium fuel cycle, Proceedings of the International Topical Meeting on Advances in Reactor Physics and Mathematics and Computation into the Next Millennium, May 7–11, 2000, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, American Nuclear Society, USA
S Baltej Singh, S Ganesan, P D Krishanani, R Srivenkatesan, A N Kumar, M V Parikh, H P Rammohan, Sherly Ray, M P Fernando and S S Bajaj, Analysis of power rise transient in KAPS-1 and power co-efficient evaluation, IAEA International Conference on Operational Safety Performance in Nuclear Installations, Vienna, 30 Nov.–2 Dec. 2005
S Ganesan et al, Curr. Sci. 77, 667 (1999)
S Ganesan and A R Sharma (2000), New Investigations of the criticality property of pure 232U, Paper presented at the INSAC2000 Meeting, Indian Nuclear Society Annual Conference on Power from Thorium, Plans, Strategies & Directions, June 1–2, 2000, BARC, Mumbai
S Ganesan and H Wienke, On the criticality property of 233Pa derived from various nuclear data files using the NJOY and the MCNP codes, Proceedings of the International Conference on Emerging Nuclear Energy Systems (ICENES-2000), Sep. 25–28, 2000, Petten, The Netherlands, pp. 305–334
D Mennerdahl, Basic criticality data and exception limits for actinide nuclides, A draft report supporting a European Commission project on actinides in transport Report: EMS/NC/2002-01, 31 July 2002
S Ganesan, Creation of Indian Experimental Benchmarks for Thorium Fuel Cycle, IAEA Co-ordinated Research Project on Evaluated Data for the Thorium-Uranium fuel cycle, Third Research Co-ordination Meeting, 30 January to 2 February 2006, Vienna, Austria, INDC(NDS)-0494 Prepared by P Schillebeeckx and A Trkov (March 2006)
Manish Sharma, S Ganesan, V Kumar et al, Measurement of neutron induced activation cross-sections using spallation source at JINR and validation of neutronics in Dubna Code, Proceedings of WP-ADS-E&T 2006, Jaipur, India, Jan. 23–25, 2006 and references therein