Nuclear Localisation of the Transcription Factor Stat5b is Associated with Ovine Milk Protein Gene Expression During Lactation but not During Late Pregnancy or Forced Weaning

Adrian J. Molenaar1, Thomas T. Wheeler1, Murray R. Grigor1
1Food Science Platform, AgResearch, Ruakura Research Centre, Hamilton, New Zealand

Tóm tắt

Localisation patterns of the transcription factor Stat5b in the udders from pregnant, lactating and involuting ewes were compared with the expression patterns of two major milk protein genes α-lactalbumin and αS1 casein. Stat5b was detected in the cytoplasm and nuclei of epithelial cells at all stages of mammary gland development. A consistent positive relationship between the nuclear localisation of Stat5b in lactating mammary alveolar epithelial cells, and the presence of milk protein gene mRNA was apparent during lactation and early involution. Conversely, there was little evidence of nuclear localisation of Stat5b in non-lactating mammary alveolar epithelial cells during lactation and early involution. This supports the observation that during lactation, Stat5b may play a role in milk protein gene expression. However, during pregnancy and later involution, while Stat5b was observed to be present in mammary epithelial cell nuclei and cytoplasm, no relationship between this and the presence of milk protein gene mRNA was apparent. This suggests that during late pregnancy and in later involution, Stat5b may be involved in processes other than initiation of milk protein gene transcription.

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