Nonlinear equilibrium spherical dust structures I: Basic equations and criterion for the existence of self-organized structures
Tóm tắt
Basic equations for dust structures are formulated that account for the balance of the forces, plasma fluxes, and grain charges with allowance for nonlinearity in the screening of individual grains and possible violation of quasineutrality due to the interaction of collective fields with plasma fluxes. A theory of non-linear drag forces exerted by plasma fluxes on dust grains is developed for moderate drift flux velocities, higher than the mean ion thermal velocity but much lower than the acoustic speed. It is shown that equilibrium dust structures have finite sizes and negative charges and that they can exist only in a certain range of intensities of external fluxes on their surfaces. When there is no additional volume ionization, the size of the structures is determined by the intensity of the external flux. A study is made of a weakly ionized dusty plasma in which the interaction of its components with neutral gas atoms plays a major role. The ion, electron, and dust density distributions, as well as the distributions of the dust grain charges and plasma fluxes, are calculated self-consistently as functions of the distance from the center of a structure.
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