Non-contact oxygen saturation monitoring for wound healing process using dual-wavelength simultaneous acquisition imaging system
Tóm tắt
Here we report the fabrication of a noncontact pulse oximeter system based on a dual-wavelength imaging system and its oxygen saturation monitoring performance during wound healing. The dual-wavelength imaging system consists of 660 nm and 940 nm light-emitting diodes and a multi-spectral camera that simultaneously accepts visible and near-infrared images. Using the proposed system, images were acquired at 30 fps at both wavelengths, and photoplethysmography signals were extracted by specifying a specific region in the images. We removed the signals caused by small movements and smoothed them using the discrete wavelet transform and moving average filter. To confirm the feasibility of the proposed noncontact oxygen saturation system, a wound model was created using a hairless mouse and oxygen saturation was measured during wound healing. The measured values were compared and analyzed using a reflective animal pulse oximeter. Through a comparative analysis of these two devices, the error of the proposed system was evaluated and the possibility of its clinical application and wound healing monitoring through oxygen saturation measurement confirmed.
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