Non-classical aspects of Kirchhoff type shells

Bensingh Dhas1, Debasish Roy1
1Centre of Excellence in Advanced Mechanics of Materials, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India

Tóm tắt

Kirchhoff type shells are continuum models used to study the mechanics of thin elastic bodies; these are largely based on the theory of surfaces. Here, we report a reformulation of Kirchhoff shells using the theory of moving frames. This reformulation permits us to treat the deformation and the geometry of the shell as two separate entities. The structure equations which represent the familiar torsion and curvature free conditions (of the ambient space) are used to combine deformation and geometry in a compatible way. From such a perspective, Kirchhoff type theories have non-classical features which are similar to the equations of defect mechanics (theory of dislocations and disclinations). Using the proposed framework, we solve a boundary value problem and thus demonstrate, to an extent, the importance of moving frames.

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