Non-Newtonian fluids v frictional resistance of discs and cones rotating in power-law non-Newtonian fluids
Tóm tắt
Relations have been derived for the frictional resistance of finite discs and cones rotating in Ostwald-de Waele (power-law) type non-Newtonian fluids. The obtained equations can be formulated as dimensionless relations between the dimensionless moment coefficient and the generalized Reynolds number; the flow-behaviour index n enters the equations as a parameter. The relations derived for cones contain the apex angle 2α0 as an additional parameter in the form of A=sin α0. The validity of the theoretically derived relations has been verified by measurements of the torque of discs and cones for a number of pseudoplastic power-law fluids.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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