Neurological complications of acute Q fever infection

European Journal of Epidemiology - Tập 19 - Trang 1051-1054 - 2004
Diamantis P. Kofteridis1, Elias E. Mazokopakis1, Yiannis Tselentis2, Achilleas Gikas1,2
1Department of Internal Medicine, University Hospital of Crete, P.O. Box, Crete
2Department of Clinical Bacteriology, Parasitology, Zoonosis and Geographical Medicine, University of Crete School of Medicine and University Hospital, Crete, Greece

Tóm tắt

Coxiella burnetii the agent of Q fever produces a variety of clinical syndromes. Central nervous system (CNS) involvement is reported to be a rare feature of the disease usually presented as a severe headache and rarely as meningoencephalitis. We retrospectively studied the medical records of 49 patients with clinical signs of CNS involvement. Among 121 patients with acute Q fever infection 49 (40.5%) had some degree of neurological involvement, varying from a severe headache in the majority of the patients (40.5%) to confusion (4.1%) and meningitis (0.8%). The majority of these patients with CNS involvement (91%) had been admitted to the hospital as community acquired pneumonia. The clinical evidence of CNS involvement is not a rare feature of acute Q fever infection and Coxiella burnetii should be considered as a possible etiology of meningitis or meningoencephalitis in endemic areas.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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