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Cah. Biol. mar. 13, 1972. S. 443–455: Le Corre, P., Tréguer, P., Courtot, P., Evaluation de la matière organique dissoute dans des eaux côtières de la Bretagne méridionale en avril 1970.
Geol. Rdsch. 62, 1973.No. 3, S. 742–754: Hartmann, M., Untersuchung von suspendiertem Material in den Hydrothermallaugen des Atlantis-II-Tiefs.
J. Fluid Mech. 52, 1972.P. 2, S. 245–268: Batchelor, G. K., Sedimentation in a dilute dispersion of spheres.
Mancy, K. H.: Instrumental analysis for water pollution control. Ann Arbor 1973. S. 205–213: Mancy, K. H., Physical characteristics.
Mar. Geol. 14, 1973.No. 2, S. 101–116: Anderson, F. E., Observations of some sedimentary processes acting on a tidal flat.—Mar. Geol. 14, 1973.No. 2, S. 117–128: Jacobs, M. B., Thorndike, E. M., Ewing, M., A comparison of suspended particulate matter from nepheloid and clear water.—Mar. Geol. 14, 1973.No. 4, S. M21–M31: Bornhold, B. D., Mascle, J. R., Harada, K., Suspended matter in surface waters of the eastern Gulf of Guinea.
Rep. Ser. Bedford Inst. Oceanogr. BI-R-73-12, 1973. 19 S. m. 10 Abb.: Kranck, K., The nature and deposition of suspended marine sediment.
Trudy Vses. nauč.-issl. Inst. morsk. ryb. Choz. Okeanogr. 90, 1972. S. 7–17: Khachaturova, T. A., The content of suspended matter in the middle and south parts of the Caspian Sea. [Jeweils: In russ. Spr. m. engl. Abstr.]
Vie et Milieu, Paris (B) 23, 1972–73.Fasc. 2-B. S. 193–207: Geistdoerfer, P., Etude granulométrique des particules en suspension dans les eaux de mer méditerranéennes.
Acta adriat. 15,1973.No. 1, 39 S.: Pucher-Petković, T., Zore-Armanda, M., Essai d'evaluation et pronostic de la production en fonction des facteurs du milieu dans l'Adriatique.—Acta adriat. 15, 1973.No. 2, 60 S.: Buljan, M., Hure, J., Pucher-Petković, T., Hydrographic and productivity conditions in the Bay of Mali Ston. Report on the work made during the dam construction of the Trebišnjica Hydroelectric Power Plant. [In jugosl. Spr. m. engl. Abstr.]
Amer. J. Sci. 272, 1972. S. 840–851: Morse, J. W., Berner, R. A., Dissolution kinetics of calcium carbonate in sea water: 2. A kinetic origin for the lysocline. [Auch: Contr. Bermuda biol. Stat. No. 546 A.]
Analyt. chim. Acta 56, 1971. S. 233–240: Wada, E., Hattori, A., Spectrophotometric determination of traces of nitrite by concentration of azo dye on an anion-exchange resin. [Auch: Coll. Repr. Oc. Res. Inst. Univ. Tokyo 10, 1971 (1973). S. 129–136.]—Analyt. chim. Acta 56, 1971. S. 355–364: Wong, K. M., Radiochemical determination of plutonium in sea water, sediments and marine organisms. [Auch: Coll. Repr. Woods Hole oceanogr. Instn 1971 (1972). P. 2. Contr. No. 2712.]—Analyt. chim. Acta 65, 1973. S. 261–270: Murray, A. J., Riley, J. P., The determination of chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbons in air, natural waters, marine organisms, and sediments.—Analyt. chim. Acta 65, 1973. S. 271–277: Kawabuchi, K., Riley, J. P., A neutron activation procedure for the determination of dissolved silver in sea water.—Analyt. chim. Acta 65, 1973. S. 451–459: Gilbert, T. R., Hume, D. N., Direct determination of bismuth and antimony in sea water by anodic stripping voltammetry.—Analyt. chim. Acta 65, 1973. S. 466–468: Nishimura, M., Matsunaga, K., Kudo, T., Spectrophotometric determination of vanadium in sea water.
Bull. mar. Ecol., Plymouth 8, 1973.P. 2, S. 99–114: Williams, R., Robinson, G. A., Primary production at Ocean Weather Station India (59°00 N, 29°00 W) in the North Atlantic.
Bull. mar. Sci. 23, 1973.No. 4, S. 771–792: Sander, F., Steven, D. M., Organic productivity of inshore and offshore waters of Barbados: a study of the island mass effect.
Cah. ORSTOM, Océanogr. 11, 1973.No. 4, S. 419–429: Dufour, P., Stretta, J. M., Production primaire, biomasses du phytoplancton et du zooplancton dans l'Atlantique tropical sud, le long du méridien 4° W.
Cercetari marine 1972, No.3. S. 141–148: Serbanescu, O., Mihnea, R., Cuingioglu, E., Action du fluor elemente polluant de l'eau de mer.—Cercetari marine 1972, No. 5-6, S. 173–179: Penciu, A., State, G., Considerations sur la teneur en Ca++, Mg++, Na+, K+ des eaux cotieres du littoral roumain Mer Noire.
Circ. Fish. Res. Bd Can. No. 2, 1972. 313 S.: Jangaard, P. M., Effects of elemental phosphorus on marine life.
Conf. balt. Oceanogr. 8,1972.No. 31, 2 S. Text, 2 S. Taf.: Nehring, D., Francke, E., The stagnation in the deeps of the Baltic during 1971 and the influx of high saline water in March, 1972.
Deep-Sea Res. 20, 1973.No. 6, S. 571–577: Miyazaki, T., Wada, E., Hattori, A., Capacities of shallow waters of Sagami Bay for oxidation and reduction of inorganic nitrogen.—Deep-Sea Res. 20, 1973.No. 6, S. 579–581: Coote, A. R., Mann, C. R., Walton, A., A correction to Circe silicate values for the South Atlantic; comparison with Hudson-70 silicates.—Deep-Sea Res. 20, 1973.No. 9, S. 791–801: Mann, C. R., Coote, A. R., Garner, D. M., The meridional distribution of silicate in the western Atlantic Ocean.—Deep-Sea Res. 20, 1973.No. 9, S. 803–818: Brewer, P. G., Murray, J. W., Carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus in the Black Sea. [Auch: Contr. Woods Hole Oceanogr. Instn No. 3040.]—Deep-Sea Res. 20, 1973.No. 10, S. 923–925: Zsolnay, A., Hydrocarbon and chlorophyll: a correlation in the upwelling region off West Africa.—Deep-Sea Res. 20, 1973,No. 11, S. 1029–1039: Caldwell, D. R., Thermal and Fickian diffusion of sodium chloride in a solution of oceanic concentration.—Deep-Sea Res. 20, 1973.No. 12, S. 1077–1082: Saliot, A., Barbier, M., Sterols from sea water.—Deep-Sea Res. 20, 1973.No. 12, S. 1083–1091: Gundersen, K., Mountain, C. W., Oxygen utilization and pH change in the ocean resulting from biological nitrate formation. [Auch: Contr. Hawaii Inst. Geophys. No. 551.]
Dt. hydrogr. Z. 26, 1973.No. 6, S. 241–246: Kautsky, H., The distribution of the radio nuclide Caesium 137 as an indicator for North Sea watermass transport.
Earth planet. Sci. Letters 10, 1971.No. 3, S. 289–296: Craig, H., Weiss, R. F., Dissolved gas saturation anomalies and excess helium in the ocean. [Auch: Contr. Scripps Instn Oceanogr. N. S. 42, 1972. P. 1. S. 762–769.]—Earth planet. Sci. Letters 18, 1973.No. 1, S. 77–92: Berner, R. A., Phosphate removal from sea water by adsorption on volcanogenic ferric oxides.—Earth planet. Sci. Letters 18, 1973.No. 2, S. 181–188: Somayajulu, B. L. K., Lal, D., Craig, H., Silicon-32 profiles in the South Pacific.—Earth planet. Sci. Letters 19, 1973.No. 3, S. 352–358: Li, Y. H., Ku, T. L., Mathieu, G. G., Barium in the Antarctic Ocean and implications regarding the marine geochemistry of Ba and226Ra. [Auch: Contr. Dep. Geol. Sci., Univ. S. Calif. No. 272.] —Earth planet. Sci. Letters 19, 1973.No. 3, S. 373–376: Longinelli, A., Nuti, S., Revised phosphate-water isotopic temperature scale.—Earth planet. Sci. Letters 20, 1973.No. 1, S. 35–44: Broecker, W. S., Kaufman, A., Trier, R. M., The residence time of thorium in surface sea water and its implications regarding the rate of reactive pollutants. [Auch: Contr. Lamont-Doherty geol. Obs. No. 1934.]—Earth planet. Sci. Letters 20, 1973.No. 1, S. 88–92: Nozaki, Y., Tsunogai, S., Lead-210 in the North Pacific and the transport of terrestrial material through the atomsphere.—Earth planet. Sci. Letters 20, 1973.No. 3, S. 381–384: Michel, R., Williams, P. M., Bomb-produced tritium in the Antarctic Ocean.
Environm. Sci. Technol. 7, 1973.No. 7, S. 639–642: Brooks, J. M., Fredericks, A. D., Sackett, W. M., Baseline concentrations of light hydrocarbons in Gulf of Mexico. [Auch: Contr. Oceanogr. Texas A & M Univ. 16. 1972–1973. S. 433–436. Contr. No. 554.]—Environm. Sci. Technol. 7, 1973.No. 10, S. 957–958: Pijanowski, B. S., Salinity corrections for dissolved oxygen measurements.
Estuar. coast. mar. Sci. 1, 1973.No. 4, S. 335–360: Sen Gupta, R., Koroleff, F., A quantitative study of nutrient fractions and a stoichiometric model of the Baltic.—Estuar. coast. mar. Sci. 1, 1973.No. 4, S. 425–431: Jones, M. B., Influence of salinity and temperature on the toxicity of mercury to marine and brackish water isopods (Crustacea).
Environm. Sci. Technol. 5, 1971. S. 134–138: Vaccaro, R. F., Estimation of adsorbable solutes in seawater with14C-labeled phenol and activated carbon. [Auch: Coll. Repr. Woods Hole oceanogr. Instn 1971 (1972). P. 1. Contr. No. 2233.]
Fish. Bull. US nat. mar. Fish. Serv. 70, 1972.No. 3, S. 929–932: Thomas, W. H., Nutrient inversions in the southeastern tropical Pacific Ocean. [Auch: Contr. Scripps Instn Oceanogr. N. S. 42, 1972. P. 1. S. 758–761.]
Geochem. J. 4, 1971. S. 183–206: Kitano, Y., Kanamori, N., Oomori, T., Measurements of distribution coefficients of strontium and barium between carbonate precipitate and solution. Abnormally high values of distribution coefficients measured at early stages of carbonate formation. [Auch: Coll. Pap. Sci. Atmosph. Hydrosph. 9, 1971 (1972). No. 1.]
Geochim. cosmochim. Acta. 37, 1973.No. 7, S. 1745–1759: Meyers, P. A., Quinn, J. G., Factors affecting the association of fatty acids with mineral particles in sea water.—Geochim. cosmochim. Acta. 37, 1973.No. 7, S. 1761–1773: Burton, J. D., Liss, P. S., Processes of supply and removal of dissolved silicon in the oceans.—Geochim. cosmochim. Acta. 37, 1973.No. 10, S. 2215–2225: Kvenvolden, K. A., Peterson, E., Wehmiller, J., Racemization of amino acids in marine sediments determined by gas chromatography.—Geochim. cosmochim. Acta. 37, 1973.No. 11, S. 2459–2477: Boehm, P. D., Quinn, J. G., Solubilization of hydrocarbons by the dissolved organic matter in sea water.—Geochim. cosmochim. Acta. 37, 1973.No. 12, S. 2547–2556: Crocket, J. H., MacDougall, J. D., Harriss, R. C., Gold, palladium and iridium in marine sediments.—Geochim. cosmochim. Acta. 37, 1973.No. 12, S. 2557–2565: Rydell, H. S., Bonatti, E., Uranium in submarine metalliferous deposits.—Geochim. cosmochim. Acta. 37, 1973.No. 12, S. 2605–2616: Holland, H. D., Systematics of the isotopic composition of sulfur in the oceans during the Phanerozoic and its implications for atmospheric oxygen.
GKSS-Inform. No. 8, 1973. 20 S.: Aktivitäten der GKSS auf den Gebieten Meerwasserentsalzung und Meerestechnik.
Goldberg, E. D.: North Sea science. Cambridge (Mass.) 1973. S. 249–266: Cushing, D. H., Productivity of the North Sea.—Goldberg, E. D.: North Sea science. Cambridge (Mass.) 1973. S. 293–307: Johnston, R., Nutrients and metals in the North Sea.—Goldberg, E. D.: North Sea science. Cambridge (Mass.) 1973. S. 308–325: Groot, A. J. de, Occurrence and behaviour of heavy metals in river deltas, with special reference to the Rhine and Ems rivers.—Goldberg, E. D.: North Sea science. Cambridge (Mass.) 1973. S. 326–334: Postma, H., Transport and budget of organic matter in the North Sea.
Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Proj. 11, 1972. S. 1009–1012: Presley, B. J., Kaplan, I. R., Interstitial water chemistry: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 11. [Auch: Contr. Oceanogr. Texas A & M Univ. 16, 1972–1973. S. 481–484. Contr. No. 558.]—Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Proj. 13, 1972. S. 809–811: Presley, B. J., Petrowski, C., Kaplan, I. R., Interstitial water chemistry: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 13. [Auch: Contr. Oceanogr. Texas A & M Univ. 16, 1972–1973. S. 485–487. Contr. No. 559.]—Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Proj. 14, 1972. S. 763–765: Presley, B. J., Petrowski, C., Kaplan, I. R., Interstitial water chemistry: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 14. [Auch: Contr. Oceanogr. Texas A & M Univ. 16, 1972–1973. S. 489–491. Contr. No. 560.]—Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Proj. 16, 1973. S. 573–574. Presley, B. J., Petrowski, C., Kaplan, I. R., Interstitial water chemistry, Leg 16. [Auch: Contr. Oceanogr. Texas A & M Univ. 16, 1972–1973. S. 493–494. Contr. No. 561.]—Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Proj. 17, 1973. S. 515–516: Presley, B. J., Culp, J. H., Petrowski, C., Interstitial water chemistry. Leg 17. [Auch: Contr. Oceanogr. Texas A & M Univ. 16, 1972–1973. S. 495–496. Contr. No. 562.]—Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Proj. 19, 1973 S. 869–870: Presley, B. J., Culp, J. H., Sims, R. R., Interstitial water chemistry: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 19. [Auch: Contr. Oceanogr. Texas A & M Univ. 16, 1972–1973. S. 497–498. Contr. No. 563.]—Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Proj. 19, 1973 S. 879–884: Claypool, G. E., Presley, B. J., Kaplan, I. R., Gas analyses in sediment samples from Legs 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 18, and 19. [Auch: Publ. Inst. Geophys. planet. Phys. Univ. Calif. No. 1165. Contr. Oceanogr. Texas A & M Univ. 16, 1972–1973. S. 499–504. Contr. No. 564.]
Int. Conf. mar. Res. Oc. Utilization 2, 1973. Düsseldorf. S. 803–816: Geyer, R. A., Sweet, W., Results of a study of natural hydrocarbon seepage in the Gulf of Mexico. [Auch: Contr. Oceanogr. Texas A & M Univ. 16, 1972–1973. S. 619–632. Contr. No. 574.]
International oceanographic tables. Tables océanographiques internationales. Tablas oceanogràficas... Vol. 2. Wormley: National Institute of Oceanography 1973. XVI, 141 S.
Invest. pesq; Barcelona 35, 1971.No. 1, S. 195–208: Hobson, L. A., Relationship between particulate organic carbon and micro-organisms in upwelling areas off Southwest Africa. [Auch: Coll. Repr. Woods Hole oceanogr. Instn 1971 (1972). P. 1. Contr. No. 2508.]
Issledovanija po teoretičeskoj i prikladnoj chimii morja (Untersuchungen der theoretischen und angewandten Meereschemie.) (Verantwortl. Red.: S. V. Bruevič.) Moskva: Izd. “Nauka” 1972. 131 S.: [Darin]—Issledovanija po teoretičeskoj i prikladnoj chimii morja (Untersuchungen der theoretischen und angewandten Meereschemie.) (Verantwortl. Red.: S. V. Bruevič.) Moskva: Izd. “Nauka” 1972. S. 18–27: Zlobin, V. S., Alekseeva, A. G., Perljuk, M. F., Vergleich hydrochemischer Kennzeichen in einigen Gebieten des nordwestlichen Atlantischen Ozeans.—Issledovanija po teoretičeskoj i prikladnoj chimii morja (Untersuchungen der theoretischen und angewandten Meereschemie.) (Verantwortl. Red.: S. V. Bruevič.) Moskva: Izd. “Nauka” 1972. S. 28–37: Zlobin, V. S., Saproneckaja, N. G., Geschwindigkeit für den Wiederaufbau von Vorräten und jahreszeitliche Konzentrationsänderungen von Phosphaten in der Schicht der Photosynthese in der Norwegischen See.—Issledovanija po teoretičeskoj i prikladnoj chimii morja (Untersuchungen der theoretischen und angewandten Meereschemie.) (Verantwortl. Red.: S. V. Bruevič.) Moskva: Izd. “Nauka” 1972. S. 38–45: Zlobin, V. S., Žilin, Ju. G., Saproneckaja, N. G., Regeneration von Phosphaten in der oberen Schicht der Norwegischen See und mathematische Modellgestaltung des Verlaufs ihrer Aneignung durch Phytoplankton.—Issledovanija po teoretičeskoj i prikladnoj chimii morja (Untersuchungen der theoretischen und angewandten Meereschemie.) (Verantwortl. Red.: S. V. Bruevič.) Moskva: Izd. “Nauka” 1972. S. 46–50: Ajvazova, L. E., Fedosov, M. V., Über die Auflösbarkeit von Phosphaten im Meerwasser.—Issledovanija po teoretičeskoj i prikladnoj chimii morja (Untersuchungen der theoretischen und angewandten Meereschemie.) (Verantwortl. Red.: S. V. Bruevič.) Moskva: Izd. “Nauka” 1972. S. 51–56: Jurkovskij, A. K., Über die Rolle der eisen-humaten Koagulate in der Ansammlung von Phosphaten in den Tiefen der stagnierten Senken des Baltischen Meeres.—Issledovanija po teoretičeskoj i prikladnoj chimii morja (Untersuchungen der theoretischen und angewandten Meereschemie.) (Verantwortl. Red.: S. V. Bruevič.) Moskva: Izd. “Nauka” 1972. S. 57–63: Makarova, G. D., Spičak, M. K., Grundsätzliche Anzeichen der gegenwärtigen hydrologischen und hydrochemischen Verhältnisse im Asowschen Meer.—Issledovanija po teoretičeskoj i prikladnoj chimii morja (Untersuchungen der theoretischen und angewandten Meereschemie.) (Verantwortl. Red.: S. V. Bruevič.) Moskva: Izd. “Nauka” 1972. S. 64–67: Rožanskaja, L. I., Mangan, Kupfer und Zink im Wasser des Asowschen Meeres und Ansammlungen dieser Mikroelemente in einigen Meerestieren.—Issledovanija po teoretičeskoj i prikladnoj chimii morja (Untersuchungen der theoretischen und angewandten Meereschemie.) (Verantwortl. Red.: S. V. Bruevič.) Moskva: Izd. “Nauka” 1972. S. 68–72: Sul'gina, E. F., Ermakova, L. F., Dynamik von Stickstoffverbindungen im Asowschen Meer und in der Bucht von Taganrog nach der Regelung des Donauabflusses.—Issledovanija po teoretičeskoj i prikladnoj chimii morja (Untersuchungen der theoretischen und angewandten Meereschemie.) (Verantwortl. Red.: S. V. Bruevič.) Moskva: Izd. “Nauka” 1972. S. 73–82: Pachomova, A. S., Kosarev, A. N., Hydrochemische Bedingungen und Genesis anomal kalter Wassermassen an der Ostküste des mittleren Kaspischen Meeres.—Issledovanija po teoretičeskoj i prikladnoj chimii morja (Untersuchungen der theoretischen und angewandten Meereschemie.) (Verantwortl. Red.: S. V. Bruevič.) Moskva: Izd. “Nauka” 1972. S. 83–88: Oradovskij, S. G., Tokuev, Ju. S., Fadosov, M. V., Vervollkommnung der Bestimmungsmethode von gelöster Siliziumsäure im Meerwasser.—Issledovanija po teoretičeskoj i prikladnoj chimii morja (Untersuchungen der theoretischen und angewandten Meereschemie.) (Verantwortl. Red.: S. V. Bruevič.) Moskva: Izd. “Nauka” 1972. S. 89–91: Petrov, Ju. M., Vervollkommnung der Bestimmungsmethode von Strontium-90 im Meerwasser.—Issledovanija po teoretičeskoj i prikladnoj chimii morja (Untersuchungen der theoretischen und angewandten Meereschemie.) (Verantwortl. Red.: S. V. Bruevič.) Moskva: Izd. “Nauka” 1972. S. 92–102: Morozov, N. P., Lithium- und Rubidiumgehalt im Meerwasser und in Bodenlösungen von Meeresablagerungen.—Issledovanija po teoretičeskoj i prikladnoj chimii morja (Untersuchungen der theoretischen und angewandten Meereschemie.) (Verantwortl. Red.: S. V. Bruevič.) Moskva: Izd. “Nauka” 1972. S. 103–110: Florovskaja, V. N., Einige Überlegungen über den Einfluß endogener Faktoren auf die Biogeochemie des Meeres.—Issledovanija po teoretičeskoj i prikladnoj chimii morja (Untersuchungen der theoretischen und angewandten Meereschemie.) (Verantwortl. Red.: S. V. Bruevič.) Moskva: Izd. “Nauka” 1972. S. 111–121: Gorškova, T. I., Geochemie der Ablagerungen im Norwegisch-Grönländischen Becken. [Jeweils: In russ. Spr.]
Japan Analyst 20, 1971. S. 1554–1560: Kodama, Y., Tsubota, H., Determination of tin in sea water by ion exchange separation-spectrophotometric method. [Auch: Coll. Repr. Oc. Res. Inst. Univ. Tokyo 10, 1971 (1973). S. 122–128.] In japan. Spr. m. engl. abstr.
Jap. J. Limnol. 33, 1972. S. 16–20.: Satake, K., Saijo, Y., Tominaga, H., Determination of small quantities of carbon dioxide in natural waters.
J. chem. Engng Data 16, 1971.No. 2, S. 235–241: Weiss, R. F., Solubility of helium and neon in water and seawater. [Auch: Contr. Scripps Instn Oceanogr. 41, 1971. N. S. S. 350–362.]—J. chem. Engng Data 16, 1971.No. 4, S. 398–400: Christenson, P. G., Gieskes, J. M., Activity coefficients of KCl in several mixed electrolyte solutions at 25° C. [Auch: Contr. Scripps Instn Oceanogr. 41, 1971. N. S. S. 347–349.]
J. Mar. Biol. Assoc. India 14, 1972.No. 1, S. 384–390: Pillai, T. N. V., Ganguly, A. K., Nucleic acid in the dissolved constituents of sea water.—J. Mar. Biol. Assoc. India 14, 1972.No. 1, S. 391–394: Desai, M. V. M., Mathew, E., Ganguly, A. K., Interaction of some metal ions with fulvic acid isolated from marine environment.
J. Oceanogr. Soc. Japan 29, 1973.No. 4, S. 163–170: Wada, E., Inorganic nitrogen metabolism in the sea. [In jap. Spr.]—J. Oceanogr. Soc. Japan 29, 1973.No. 5, S. 185–192: Kido, K., Nishimura, M., Regeneration of silicate in the ocean.—J. Oceanogr. Soc. Japan 29, 1973.No. 5, S. 193–202: Alvarez-Borrego, S., Park, P. K., Oxygen-total inorganic carbon dioxide relationship in the Pacific Ocean.
J. phys. Chem. 75, 1971.No. 10, S. 1418–1425: Mangelsdorf, P. C., Wilson, T. R. S., Difference chromatography of sea water. [Auch: Coll. Repr. Woods Hole oceanogr. Instn 1971 (1972). P. 2. Contr. No. 2623.]—J. phys. Chem. 76, 1972.No. 11, S. 1571–1575: Fisher, F. H., Ultrasonic absorption in dioxane-water solutions of magnesium sulfate. [Auch: Contr. Scripps Instn Oceanogr. N. S. 42, 1972. P. 1. S. 700–704.]
J. R. Soc. N. Z. 3, 1973.No. 1, S. 43–59: Glasby, G. P., Interstitial waters in marine and lacustrine sediments: a review. [Auch: Coll. Repr. N. Z. oceanogr. Inst. 1, 1974. Contr. No. 367.]
J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 62, 1972.No. 2, S. 144–153: Bender, M. E., Huggett, R. J., Slone, H. D., Heavy metals —an inventory of existing conditions. [Auch: Contr. Virginia Inst. mar. Sci. No. 435.]—J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 62, 1972. No. 2, S. 153–156: Young, F. C., Trace elements analysis by protoninduced X-ray excitation.
Kieler Meeresforsch. 29, 1973.No. 2, S. 77–84: Kremling, K., Voltammetrische Messungen über die Verteilung von Zink, Cadmium, Blei und Kupfer in der Ostsee.
Lagena No.29, 1972. S. 3–6: Cedeño Fermin, G., Notas preliminares sobre carbohidratos disueltos en aguas del Golfo de Cariaco.
Limnol. & Oceanogr. 18, 1973 No. 5, S. 719–733: Sheldon, R. W., Sutcliffe, W. H., Prakash, A., The production of particles in the surface waters of the ocean with particular reference to the Sargasso Sea.—Limnol. & Oceanogr. 18, 1973,No. 5, S. 743–740: Platt, T., Filion, C., Spatial variability of the productivity: Biomass ratio for phytoplankton in a small marine basin.—Limnol. & Oceanogr. 18, 1973.No. 5, S. 757–762: Bradford, W. L., The determination of a stability constant for the aqueous complex Zn(OH)2 using anodic stripping voltammetry.—Limnol. & Oceanogr. 18, 1973.No. 5, S. 771–783: Atwood, D. K., Froelich, P. N., Kinard, W. F., Temporal and depth study of alkaline earth chlorinity ratios in seawater at a single station south of Puerto Rico.—Limnol. & Oceanogr. 18, 1973.No. 5, S. 784–787: Leyendekkers, J. V., The ionic function of water and the activity coefficient of the hydrogen ion in seawater. —Limnol. & Oceanogr. 18, 1973.No. 5, S. 788–791: Lindberg, S. E., Harriss, R. C., Mechanism controlling pore water salinities in a salt marsch.—Limnol. & Oceanogr. 18, 1973.No. 5, S 815–817: Andersen, N. R., Richards, F. A., Prospects in chemical oceanography.—Limnol. & Oceanogr. 18, 1973.No. 6, S. 897–907: Mehrbach, C., Culberson, C. H., Hawley, J. E., Measurement of the apparent dissociation constants of carbonic acid in sea water at atmospheric pressure.—Limnol. & Oceanogr. 18, 1973.No. 6, S. 953–961: Smith, S. V., Marsh, J. A., Organic carbon production on the windward reef flat on Eniwetok Atoll. [Auch: Contr. Hawaii Inst. mar. Biol. No. 412. Contr. Univ. of Guam No. 31. CORMAR Contribution No. 12.]—Limnol. & Oceanogr. 18, 1973.No. 6, S. 962–967: Sorokin, Yu. I., Konovalova, I. W., Production and decomposition of organic matter in a bay of the Japan Sea during the winter diatom bloom.—Limnol. & Oceanogr. 18, 1973.No. 6, S. 993–997: Davey, E. W., Morgan, M. J., Erickson, S. J., A biological measurement of the copper complexation capacity of seawater. [Auch: Contr. Nat. mar. Water Qual. Lab. No. 48.]—Limnol. & Oceanogr. 18, 1973.No. 6, S. 1002–1005: Ellis, J., Kanamori, S., An evaluation of the Miller method for dissolved oxygen analysis.
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Pap. Met. Geophys., Tokyo. 24, 1973.No. 2, S. 263–271: Miyake, Y., Saruhashi, K., A radio-carbon model of the ocean.
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Sympos. Scientific Exploration of the South Pacific, La Jolla, Calif., 1968. Ed. by Warren S. Wooster. Washington, D. C.: National Academy of Sciences 1970. S. 60–68: Wooster, W. S., Eastern boundary currents in the South Pacific. [Auch: Contr. Scripps Instn Oceanogr. N. S. 42, 1972. P. 2. S. 1212–1220.]
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J. Mar. Biol. Assoc. India 14, 1972.No. 1, S. 1–14: La, Fond, E. C., La Fond, K. G., Sea surface features.—J. Mar. Biol. Assoc. India 14, 1972.No. 1, S. 102–108: Shenk, W. E., Szekielda, K. H., Satellite occan temperature analysis of the Indian Ocean.
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Month. Weather Rev., Wash. 101, 1973.No. 10, S. 767–773: Spar, J., Supplementary notes on sea-surface temperature anomalies and model-generated meteorological histories.
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