Network transition security for transmission switching
Tóm tắt
The smart grid with flexible topologies receives intensive attention recently. Transmission switching (TS) alters the power system topology during operation, and has been demonstrated for the advantage of economic and secure operation of power systems. TS includes a chain of sequential switching actions which bring disturbances to the system if the switching actions are not properly designed. Unfortunately, it is not considered or well-studied in existing works. In this paper, a new multi-period TS model that considers the transition security and a two-stage iterative method are proposed. In the TS model, we take into account the fact that only one line is permitted to switch up or down at a time and the security of each switching action is considered. The proposed iterative solution makes the TS model more tractable under AC framework. Case studies on a 6-bus system and the IEEE 57-bus test system have varified the effectiveness of the proposed model. Numerical results show that: ① the consideration of transition security of TS is essential; ② the transition path is directly related to secure and fast the transmission switching; ③ the proposed model and solution method give an effective way to determine the switching sequence and switching timing under transition security criteria.
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