Nestling diet optimization and condition in relation to prey attributes and breeding patch size in a patch-resident insectivorous passerine: an optimal continuum and habitat constraints
Tóm tắt
Direct observational studies are needed to address dietary adjustment in species breeding in isolated non-forest habitat islands with respect to the energy demands of growing nestlings and breeding patch size. Using new dietary records determined for nestlings of Whinchat Saxicola rubetra, a dramatically declining insectivorous passerine and an indicator species of the cessation of agricultural activity, we investigated the relationships between changes in the main dietary characteristics, numerical and biomass contributions of major taxonomic and functional prey groups (expressing chitin content, vertical distribution, habitat preference and vagility within the landscape) and brood age, nestling condition and size of abandoned fields (i.e. breeding patches). Broods from larger abandoned fields received more sedentary and heavier prey like Orthoptera and soil-dwelling invertebrates, whereas the proportion of caterpillars, aerial insects and prey from vegetation decreased with increasing patch size. Nestling condition was positively correlated with the proportion of caterpillars and Orthoptera or sedentary prey taxa, but negatively with the proportion of Coleoptera or vagile prey taxa in the diet, though not with patch area. This suggests that parent Whinchats can overcome the habitat constraints resulting from the small area of an abandoned field by interchangeably incorporating the two major prey groups (Orthoptera or Lepidoptera) into the diet they feed to their nestlings. This implies a continuum in dietary optimization that is a trade-off between a brood’s nutritional demands and the parents’ ability to deliver top-ranked invertebrates present mostly within the breeding patch.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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