Neogene to Quaternary stress field evolution in Lesser Caucasus and adjacent regions using fault kinematics analysis and volcanic cluster data

Geodinamica Acta - Tập 18 Số 6 - Trang 401-416 - 2005
Ara Avagyan1, Marc Sosson2, H. Philip3, A. Karakhanian4, Yan Rolland2, Rafael Melkonyan1, Samira Rebaï5, Vahan Davtyan4
1Institute of Geological Sciences, National Academy of Sciences of Armenia, 24a Baghramian Avenue, Yerevan, 375019, Armenia
2b Géosciences Azur , CNRS-University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis , UMR 6526, 250 rue A. Einstein, 06560 , Valbonne , France
3Laboratory of Geophysics, Tectonics and Sedimentology, UMR 5573, Montpellier-2 University, France
4GEORISK Scientific Research Company, 24a Baghramian Avenue, Yerevan 375019, Armenia
5SIEE , Parc 2000 , Av Y. Montand, 34000 , Montpellier , France

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