Multivariable control of a grid-connected wind energy conversion system with power quality enhancement
Tóm tắt
This paper proposes the design of a multivariable robust control strategy for a variable-speed WECS based on a SCIG. Optimal speed control of the SCIG is achieved by a conventional PI controller combined with a MPPT strategy. DTC-SVM technique based on a simple Clarke transformation is used to control the generator-side three-level converter in the variable speed WECS. The flow of real and reactive power between the inverter and the grid is controlled via the grid real and reactive currents and the DC link voltage using multivariable H $$_{\infty }$$ control. The overall WECS and control scheme are developed in Matlab/Simulink and the performance of the proposed control strategy is evaluated via a set of simulation scenarios replicating various operating conditions of the WECS such as variable wind speed and asymmetric single grid faults. The power quality of the WECS system under H $$_{\infty }$$ control control approach is assessed and the results show a significant improvement in the total harmonic distorsion as compared to that achieved with a classical PI control.
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