Multitask learning for neural generative question answering
Tóm tắt
Neural generative model in question answering (QA) usually employs sequence-to-sequence (Seq2Seq) learning to generate answers based on the user’s questions as opposed to the retrieval-based model selecting the best matched answer from a repository of pre-defined QA pairs. One key challenge of neural generative model in QA lies in generating high-frequency and generic answers regardless of the questions, partially due to optimizing log-likelihood objective function. In this paper, we investigate multitask learning (MTL) in neural network-based method under a QA scenario. We define our main task as agenerative QA via Seq2Seq learning. And we define our auxiliary task as a discriminative QA via binary QAclassification. Both main task and auxiliary task are learned jointly with shared representations, allowing to obtain improved generalization and transferring classification labels as extra evidences to guide the word sequence generation of the answers. Experimental results on both automatic evaluations and human annotations demonstrate the superiorities of our proposed method over baselines.
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