Multiscale self-quotient filtering for an improved unsupervised retinal blood vessels characterisation

D. Relan1, R. Relan2
1Centre for Clinical Brain Sciences, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK
2Department of Fundamental Electricity and Instrumentation (ELEC), Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium

Tóm tắt

Digital images often suffer from contrast variability and non-uniform illumination, which seriously affect the evaluation of biomarkers such as the arteriolar to venular ratio. This biomarker provides valuable information about many pathological conditions such as diabetes, hypertension etc. Hence, in order to efficiently estimate the biomarkers, correct classification of retinal vessels extracted from digital images, into arterioles and venules is an important research problem. This paper presents an unsupervised retinal vessel classification approach which utilises the multiscale self-quotient filtering, to pre-process the input image before extracting the discriminating features. Thereafter the squared-loss mutual information clustering method is used for the unsupervised classification of retinal vessels. The proposed vessel classification method was evaluated on the publicly available DRIVE and INSPIRE-AVR databases. The proposed unclassified framework resulted in 93.2 and 88.9% classification rate in zone B for the DRIVE and the INSPIRE-AVR dataset respectively. The proposed method outperformed other tested methods available in the literature. Retinal vessel classification, in an unsupervised setting is a challenging task. The present framework provided high classification rate and therefore holds a great potential to aid computer aided diagnosis and biomarker research.

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Tài liệu tham khảo

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