Multiphase Characterization of Cu-In-Sn Alloys with 17 at.% Cu and Comparison with Calculated Phase Equilibria

Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion - Tập 38 Số 3 - Trang 276-287 - 2017
Silvana Tumminello1, N. Del Negro2, C. Carrascal1, Suzana G. Fries3, Paula Alonso4, S. Sommadossi1
1Lab. Caracterización de Materiales, FAIN-UNCo / IITCI-CONICET, Neuquén, Argentina
2Instituto Sabato, UNSAM, Buenos Aires, Argentina
3ICAMS, RUB, Bochum, Germany
4Gerencia Materiales, CNEA, Buenos Aires, Argentina

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