Multiobjective response and chemometric approaches to enhance the phytochemicals and biological activities of beetroot leaves: an unexploited organic waste

Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery - Tập 13 Số 16 - Trang 15067-15081 - 2023
Moufida Chaari1, Khaoula Elhadef1, Sarra Akermi1, Hajer Ben Hlima2, Mariam Fourati1, Ahlem Chakchouk Mtibaa1, T. Sarkar3, M. Ali Shariati4, Максим Ребезов4, Teresa D’Amore5, Lotfi Mellouli1, Slim Smaoui1
1Laboratory of Microbial Biotechnology and Engineering Enzymes (LMBEE), Center of Biotechnology of Sfax (CBS), University of Sfax, Road of Sidi Mansour Km 6, P.O. Box 1177, 3018, Sfax, Tunisia
2Laboratory of Enzymatic Engineering and Microbiology, Algae Biotechnology Unit, Biological Engineering Department, National School of Engineers of Sfax, University of Sfax, 3038, Sfax, Tunisia
3Department of Food Technology, Malda Polytechnic, West Bengal State Council of Technical Education, Govt. of West Bengal, Malda, 732102, West Bengal, India
4Department of Scientific Research, Russian State Agrarian University-Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy, Moscow, 127550, Russia
5Chemistry Department, Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale Della Puglia E Della, Foggia, Italy

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