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Friedman J.H. Bentley J.L. and Finkel R.A. An algorithm for finding best matches in logarithmic time. Stanford CS Rep. 75--482. Friedman J.H. Bentley J.L. and Finkel R.A. An algorithm for finding best matches in logarithmic time. Stanford CS Rep. 75--482.
Blum M. Floyd R.W. Pratt V. Rivest R.L. and Tarjan R.E. Time bounds for selection. Stanford CS Rep. 73-349. Blum M. Floyd R.W. Pratt V. Rivest R.L. and Tarjan R.E. Time bounds for selection. Stanford CS Rep. 73-349.
Knuth , D.E. The Art of Computer Programming , Vol. 1 : Fundamental Algorithms . Addison-Wesley , Reading, Mass ., 1969 . Knuth, D.E. The Art of Computer Programming, Vol. 1: Fundamental Algorithms. Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass., 1969.
Knuth , D.E. The Art of Computer Programmhtg, Vol. 1li: Sorting and Searching. Addison-Wesley, Reading , Mass. , 1973 . Knuth, D.E. The Art of Computer Programmhtg, Vol. 1li: Sorting and Searching. Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass., 1973.
McCreight , E. Computer Science 144A midterm examination, spring quarter , 1973 . Stanford University . McCreight, E. Computer Science 144A midterm examination, spring quarter, 1973. Stanford University.
Rivest R.L. Analysis of associative retrieval algorithms. Stanford CS Rep. 74--415. Rivest R.L. Analysis of associative retrieval algorithms. Stanford CS Rep. 74--415.