Multi-objective robust design optimization of a novel NPR energy absorption structure for vehicles front ends to enhance pedestrian lower leg protection
Tóm tắt
The unique structure of negative Poisson’s ratio (NPR) materials provides a good energy absorption capacity that has found wide application in automotive and aeronautics industries. The present work proposes a novel NPR energy absorption structure installed between the bumper and anti-collision beam of automobiles for improving pedestrian lower leg protection. The performance of the proposed NPR structure based on tibia acceleration, knee bending angle, and knee shear displacement is evaluated by comparison with the performance of a conventional energy absorption structure. The performance of the proposed structure is further improved by conducting multi-objective design optimization with consideration for the perturbation induced by parameter uncertainties. For optimization, a parametric model of the NPR structure is first established based on the relationships between parameters. To promote computational efficiency, an optimal Latin hypercube sampling technique and the dual response surface method are combined to build surrogate models between responses and inputs. A multi-objective particle swarm optimization algorithm and six sigma criteria are then applied to obtain the optimal design parameters of the structure. The optimization results are validated by comparisons with the results of multi-objective deterministic optimization. The comparison results show that the proposed NPR energy absorption structure improves pedestrian lower leg protection significantly, and its performance is further improved by the proposed multi-objective robust design optimization. This study serves as a good example of the safety promotion provided by applying NPR structures with enhanced energy absorption capacity in vehicles.
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