Multi-Level Context Pyramid Network for Visual Sentiment Analysis

Sensors - Tập 21 Số 6 - Trang 2136
Haochun Ou1, Chunmei Qing1, Xiangmin Xu1, Jianxiu Jin1
1School of Electronic and Information Engineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510640, China

Tóm tắt

Sharing our feelings through content with images and short videos is one main way of expression on social networks. Visual content can affect people’s emotions, which makes the task of analyzing the sentimental information of visual content more and more concerned. Most of the current methods focus on how to improve the local emotional representations to get better performance of sentiment analysis and ignore the problem of how to perceive objects of different scales and different emotional intensity in complex scenes. In this paper, based on the alterable scale and multi-level local regional emotional affinity analysis under the global perspective, we propose a multi-level context pyramid network (MCPNet) for visual sentiment analysis by combining local and global representations to improve the classification performance. Firstly, Resnet101 is employed as backbone to obtain multi-level emotional representation representing different degrees of semantic information and detailed information. Next, the multi-scale adaptive context modules (MACM) are proposed to learn the sentiment correlation degree of different regions for different scale in the image, and to extract the multi-scale context features for each level deep representation. Finally, different levels of context features are combined to obtain the multi-cue sentimental feature for image sentiment classification. Extensive experimental results on seven commonly used visual sentiment datasets illustrate that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art methods, especially the accuracy on the FI dataset exceeds 90%.

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