Morphometric analysis of talus and calcaneus

Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 41 - Trang 9-24 - 2018
S. Arun Prasad1, S. S. S. N. Rajasekhar1
1Department of Anatomy, JIPMER, Puducherry, India

Tóm tắt

The variations in the subtalar joint regarding its morphology and articulation of bones are common worldwide. This study aimed to analyze the morphometric variations in articulating facets of talus and calcaneum in South Indian population. For this study, the morphometric parameters of 92 dry tali and 49 dry calcanei of unknown gender were analyzed. The pattern of articulating facets was classified based on Boyan et al. as Type A (A1–A4), Type B (B1 and B2), and Type C. Type B was found to be the most common pattern in the study population (talus—97.8%; calcaneus—80.2%). The morphometric parameters were expressed as mean ± 2 SD. The anteroposterior length of the left talus was more than right talus, while the transverse width of right and left talus is almost equal. The length of right sulcus tali appears to be more than left sulcus tali, whereas the width and depth of right and left sulcus tali was almost equal. The transverse width of the right calcaneus was greater than left calcaneus. Width and depth of right and left sulcus calcanei were almost equal, but the length of right sulcus calcanei was more than the left sulcus calcanei (p value − 0.036). Analysis of the pattern of articulating facets of talus and calcaneum and establishing the common types and their morphometric parameters will be helpful as an important tool for reconstruction surgeries of hind–foot deformities and foot rehabilitation procedures.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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