Morphoecological and Genetic Differentiation among Sympatric Morphs of Whitefish in Lake Kuetsjärvi (River Pasvik Basin, Murmansk Oblast)
Tóm tắt
The study is focused on the differentiation morphoecological and genetic analysis of the morphs of the whitefish Coregonus lavaretus L. sensu lato (Teleostei: Salmoniformes: Coregoninae) from Lake Kuetsjärvi, located in the lower reaches of one of the largest lake-river systems in the north of Europe, Pasvik-Inari (Barents Sea basin). Four morphs of whitefish have been identified: slow and fast growing medium rakered and slow and fast growing sparsely rakered. It was shown that there is practically no differentiation in the frequencies of allozyme loci at pronounced and stable differences in the number of gill rakers, head shape, growth rate and trophic features. The results confirm the analysis of multilocus allozyme genotypes using Bayesian clustering in the Structure program, which did not reveal any differences in the proportion of initial clusters between the morphs. We consider the recent and incomplete isolation of the described morphs, the phenotypic differences of which can be determined by epigenetic features, as an explanation for the observed picture.
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