Molecular cloning and expression of cDNAs for the human interleukin-2 receptor

Nature - Tập 311 Số 5987 - Trang 626-631 - 1984
Warren J. Leonard1, J M Depper1, Gerald R. Crabtree2, Stuart Rudikoff3, Janet G. Pumphrey3, R J Robb4, Martin Krönke1, Penny B. Svetlik1, Nancy J. Peffer1, Thomas A. Waldmann1, Warner C. Greene1
1Metabolism Branch, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, USA
2Laboratory of Pathology, National Cancer Institute Bethesda USA
3Laboratory of Genetics, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, USA
4E.I. du Pont, de Nemours and Co., Glenolden, USA

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