Modified Version of Azrin and Foxx’s Rapid Toilet Training
Tóm tắt
A modified version of Azrin & Foxx’s Rapid Toilet Training (RTT) was implemented with a 12-year-old boy with developmental disabilities. Modifications included (1) shortened training hours (i.e., from 8 to 3 h/day), (2) omission of the overcorrection procedure, and (3) omission of the urination detection devices. After 2 weeks of the modified RTT at school, the participant demonstrated a marked increase in successful urination in the toilet, which continued throughout the maintenance periods at school. His performance generalized to the home setting without formal training. The participant, however, continued to show incontinence, showed no evidence of self-initiation, and was prompt-dependent for other toileting subskills. Clinical implications for using the modified RTT, possible explanations for his lack of progress in certain subskills, an alternative treatment component to address those areas of difficulties, and future research directions are discussed.
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