Modeling of additive manufacturing processes for metals: Challenges and opportunities

Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science - Tập 21 Số 4 - Trang 198-206 - 2017
Marianne Francois1, Ailing Sun2, Wayne E. King3, Neil J. Henson1, D. Tourret1, Curt A. Bronkhorst1, Neil Carlson1, Christopher K. Newman1, Benoı̂t Haut1, József Bakosi1, John W. Gibbs1, Veronica Livescu1, Scott Vander Wiel1, Amy J. Clarke1, Mark Schraad1, Ted D. Blacker2, Hojun Lim2, Theron Rodgers2, Steven J. Owen2, Fadi Abdeljawad2, Jonathan D Madison2, A. T. Anderson, Jean‐Luc Fattebert, Robert M. Ferencz, N.E. Hodge1, Saad A. Khairallah1, Otis R. Walton2
1Los Alamos National Laboratory; USA
2Sandia National Laboratories, USA

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