Modeling indirect N2O emissions along the N cascade from cropland soils to rivers

Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 148 - Trang 207-221 - 2020
Gilles Billen1, Josette Garnier1, Agnès Grossel2, Vincent Thieu1, Sylvain Théry3, Catherine Hénault4
1SU CNRS EPHE, Metis UMR 7619, Paris, France
2INRA, UR SOLS, Orléans, France
3SU CNRS, FIRE FR3020, Paris, France
4INRA, UMR Agroécologie, Dijon, France

Tóm tắt

The frequently observed discrepancy between estimations of N2O emissions at regional or global scale based either on field data or inventories (bottom-up) or on direct atmospheric observations (top-down) suggests that riparian areas and river surfaces play a significant role as hot spots of emission. We developed a modeling procedure to assess N2O emissions occurring during the transfer of water masses from the subroot water pool of the watershed to the outlet of the river drainage network, including their passage through riparian wetlands. The model was applied to three river basins of increasing size located in the sedimentary geological area of the Paris basin (France) and validated by its capability to predict river N2O concentrations and fluxes across the river–atmosphere interface. At the scale of the Seine watershed, indirect emissions, i.e. emissions linked to agricultural practices but occurring elsewhere than directly at the field plot, are estimated to represent approximately 20% of the direct emissions from the watershed soils, in good agreement with previous estimates based on empirical accounting approaches. Denitrification in riparian zones is responsible for the largest share of these indirect emissions. The model results are very sensitive to the value of the ratio of N2O versus (N2 + N2O), in the final products of denitrification in rivers and wetlands. By calibration on river N2O concentrations, a value of 0.015 ± 0.05 is proposed for this ratio, in agreement with recent studies. This represents the main uncertainty factor of the model. In basins with conditions prone to increasing the value of this ratio, higher proportions of indirect N2O emissions might possibly be observed.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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