Mitochondrial Distribution and Adenosine Triphosphate Content of Bovine Oocytes Before and After In Vitro Maturation: Correlation with Morphological Criteria and Developmental Capacity After In Vitro Fertilization and Culture1

Biology of Reproduction - Tập 64 Số 3 - Trang 904-909 - 2001
Miodrag Stojković1, Sérgio A. Machado2, Petra Stojković1, Valeri Zakhartchenko1, Peter Hutzler3, Paulo Bayard Dias Gonçalves2, Eckhard Wolf1
1Department of Molecular Animal Breeding and Genetics, University of Munich, D-85764 Oberschleissheim, Germany
2Department of Large Animals, Federal University of Santa Maria, RS 97105-900, Brazil
3Institute of Pathology, GSF-Research Center, D-85764 Oberschleissheim, Germany

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