Minimal Soft Lattice Theta Functions

Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 52 - Trang 115-138 - 2020
Laurent Bétermin1
1Faculty of Mathematics, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria

Tóm tắt

We study the minimality properties of a new type of “soft” theta functions. For a lattice $$L\subset {\mathbb {R}}^d$$ , an L-periodic distribution of mass $$\mu _L$$ , and another mass $$\nu _z$$ centered at $$z\in {\mathbb {R}}^d$$ , we define, for all scaling parameters $$\alpha >0$$ , the translated lattice theta function $$\theta _{\mu _L+\nu _z}(\alpha )$$ as the Gaussian interaction energy between $$\nu _z$$ and $$\mu _L$$ . We show that any strict local or global minimality result that is true in the point case $$\mu =\nu =\delta _0$$ also holds for $$L\mapsto \theta _{\mu _L+\nu _0}(\alpha )$$ and $$z\mapsto \theta _{\mu _L+\nu _z}(\alpha )$$ when the measures are radially symmetric with respect to the points of $$L\cup \{z\}$$ and sufficiently rescaled around them (i.e., at a low scale). The minimality at all scales is also proved when the radially symmetric measures are generated by a completely monotone kernel. The method is based on a generalized Jacobi transformation formula, some standard integral representations for lattice energies, and an approximation argument. Furthermore, for the honeycomb lattice $${\mathsf {H}}$$ , the center of any primitive honeycomb is shown to minimize $$z\mapsto \theta _{\mu _{{\mathsf {H}}}+\nu _z}(\alpha )$$ , and many applications are stated for other particular physically relevant lattices including the triangular, square, cubic, orthorhombic, body-centered-cubic, and face-centered-cubic lattices.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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