Microwave irradiation and in vitro release of enzymes from hepatic lysosomes
Tóm tắt
An exposure system for examining in vitro effects of microwave irradiation on cellular and subcellar components has been developed. The system was used to test the effect of 2.45-GHz CW microwaves on the release of two lysosomal enzymes. At a specific absorption rate (SAR) of 10, 50 or 100 mW/g (90 min) no effects were noted at 37° C (pH of 7.3) on lysosomal fragility as determined by the release of the lysosomal enzymes cathepsin D andβ-glucuronidase. When the medium was adjusted to pH 5.0, microwave irradiation of the lysosomal suspension had no effect on the acid-induced enhancement of release of lysosomal enzymes. The data indicate that microwave irradiation had no labilizing effect on the lysosomal membrane, although other microwave-membrane interactions not associated with enzyme release may occur.
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