Microtubule disorientation in anaphase half-spindles during autosome segregation in crane fly spermatocytes
Tóm tắt
The region between the kinetochores of syntelically oriented autosomes and the pole in meta- and anaphase of Pales ferruginea spermatocytes was studied by means of serial sections. Microtubule (MT) were counted and measured, and the spindle region was reconstructed by superimposition of successive micrographs. Kinetochoric (kMTs) and non-kinetochoric microtubules (nkMTs) interdigitate with one another forming a bundle which is often arrow-shaped due to an inclination of nkMTs (skew nkMTs) with respect to the kinetochore-pole axis. The average length of MT in the bundle decreases towards anaphase while the average number increases. The extent of MT disorder in anaphase half-spindles is higher than in metaphase. The number of kMTs inserted in the kinetochore was found to remain unchanged from meta- to early anaphase. Some of the kMTs become divergent in anaphase. The relative proportion of skew nkMTs within the kMT/nkMT bundle is higher in anaphase. It is proposed that the morphological changes observed to occur from meta- to anaphase are due to fragmentation of kMTs followed by disorientation of the MTs pieces. Some aspects of the physical properties of the half-spindles are discussed.
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