Microfluorometric investigations of chromatin structure

Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 74 - Trang 329-339 - 1982
R. R. Cowden1, S. K. Curtis1
1Department of Biophysics, Quillen-Dishner College of Medicine, East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, USA

Tóm tắt

As a part of a microfluorometric investigation of the nucleoproteins of nuclei whose chromatin displays varying degrees of condensation, a comparison was made of mouse small thymocyte and hepatocyte nuclei stained with the acidic dye, brilliant sulfaflavine, at pH 2.8. These estimates of total protein content were compared with measurements obtained in similarly stained nuclei after extraction either with 0.4 N H2SO4 to remove all histones or with 0.35 M NaCl to remove nucleoplasmic proteins and some loosely bound non-histone chromosomal proteins. Treatment with 5% TCA at 60°C was used to remove nucleic acids and to reverse the effects of formaldehyde fixation. In all instances, the fluorescence of 2c hepatocyte nuclei greatly exceeded that of similarly treated thymocyte nuclei. While extraction with 0.4 N H2SO4 resulted in reductions of as much as 75% of the total fluorescence of small thymocyte nuclei, the losses of fluorescence in 2c hepatocyte nuclei amounted to only 20–30%. Nevertheless, the absolute values of fluorescence lost in both types of nuclei were very similar. After extraction in 0.35 M NaCl, thymocyte nuclei displayed slightly greater fluorescence than control thymocyte nuclei, while the total fluorescence of hepatocyte nuclei declined. In hepatocyte nuclei extracted with TCA, with and without treatment with 0.35 M NaCl, two populations of diploid nuclei were apparent: one corresponding to parenchymal cell nuclei and the other comprised of non-parenchymal cell nuclei. Only single diploid populations were visible in acid-extracted material. The ratios of 4c∶2c, 8c∶4c, and 8c∶2c hepatocyte nuclei in control, acid-extracted, and NaCl-extracted groups were generally lower than the expected 2∶2∶4 values. These results indicate that total nuclear histones may be estimated microfluorometrically by computing the difference between acid-extracted and unextracted preparations treated in otherwise equivalent ways. In addition, despite very similar absolute losses of fluorescence after removal of histones in thymocyte and 2c hepatocyte nuclei, the proportion of total protein ascribable to histones is much greater in thymocyte nuclei than in 2c hepatocyte nuclei — or, conversely, the percentage of total protein attributable to non-histone proteins is much greater in 2c hepatocyte nuclei than in thymocyte nuclei.

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