Microcirculation dynamics in systemic vasculitis: evidence of impaired microvascular response regardless of cardiovascular risk factors

Rheumatology - Tập 62 Số 7 - Trang 2510-2516 - 2023
Panagiotis Dolgyras1, Αntonios Lazaridis1, Panagiota Anyfanti1, Eleni Gavriilaki1, Nikolaos Koletsos1, Αreti Triantafyllou1, Barbara Nikolaidou1, Vasiliki Galanapoulou2, Στέλλα Δούμα1, Εugenia Gkaliagkousi1
13rd Department of Internal Medicine, Papageorgiou Hospital, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece
2Department of Rheumatology, Papageorgiou Hospital , Thessaloniki, Greece

Tóm tắt

Abstract Objectives Systemic vasculitides (SVs) are a highly inflammatory group of diseases characterized by significant cardiovascular (CV) mortality. Microvascular damage closely linked with accelerated atherosclerosis and thrombosis represents a core pathophysiological mechanism contributing to the excess CV risk of patients with SVs. Skin represents an easily accessible tissue facilitating non-invasive microvascular study. In this study we aimed to investigate microcirculation dynamics and associate them with disease-related factors in patients with SVs. Methods We assessed skin microcirculation using laser speckle contrast imaging (LSCI) and vascular reactivity by the post-occlusive reactive hyperaemia (PORH) protocol in a meticulously selected group of patients with SVs without CV disease and compared them to controls, matched for age, sex, BMI and smoking status. Results Sixty individuals were included in the study, 30 patients and 30 controls. Patients with SVs presented a lower peak magnitude during reperfusion phase (median [interquartile range] 207 [60.1] vs 143.7 [41.0] laser speckle perfusion units, P < 0.001) and lower percentage cutaneous vascular conductance increase (mean (s.d.) 190.0 [49.6]% vs 149.6 [48.9]%, P = 0.002) as compared with controls. Importantly, microvascular damage was correlated with disease duration (P < 0.001, r = −0.563 and P < 0.001, r = 0.442, respectively). Conclusion For the first time we have shown that patients with SVs exhibit impaired microvascular function and blunted reactivity after occlusion, as this was demonstrated by the LSCI technique. Therefore, skin microcirculation may be a useful, non-invasive method in patients with SVs for the early detection of microvascular dysfunction, which is closely related to the high CV risk that these patients bear.

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