Micro-drilling of silicon wafer by industrial CO2 laser
Tóm tắt
Laser micromachining is currently used in the MEMS production to replace the traditional etching process which consumes longer time to complete. The objective of this study is to investigate the drilling capability of industrial CO2 laser in processing of silicon wafer. In this work, the holes were drilled on P-type silicon wafer with thickness of 525 μm. Geometrical characteristic of holes produce, which is diameter entrance that depends on laser parameter were investigated and analyzed. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used to analyze the result and generated an appropriate model for the laser drilling processing. The laser parameters involved were laser power, pulse frequency and duty cycle. The experimental results showed the entrance diameter of drilling holes was increase when the laser power and duty cycle increased. The entrance diameter of drilling hole decreases when the pulse frequency increases.
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