Metallodielectric nanocomposites with enhanced transparency
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Optical properties of spatially ordered nanocomposites consisting of spherical dielectric and metallic nanoparticles have been investigated. On the basis of the method of integral equations, expressions for the field inside and outside the system have been derived and studied. It has been shown that, depending on the material and geometrical parameters of the nanoaggregate, two different states of the system can be obtained, which differ in the presence or absence of a band gap (interference reflection peak) in the visible range for photons with a certain energy. It is shown that at definite parameters of the nanostructure the scattering and absorption of light by nanoparticles diminishes and the ensemble under consideration becomes transparent. The position of the spectral ranges of transparency of metallic composites on the wavelength scale in this case is determined by the frequency of the polariton resonance inherent in the nanoclusters that form the nanocomposite. A heterogeneous material formed of close-packed dielectric nanospheres is suggested, which at some wavelengths possesses a 100% light transmission.
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