Metaheuristics for the bi-objective orienteering problem

Swarm Intelligence - Tập 3 - Trang 179-201 - 2009
Michael Schilde1, Karl F. Doerner1,2, Richard F. Hartl1, Guenter Kiechle2
1Department of Business Administration, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
2Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft m.b.H., Mobile and Web-based Information Systems, Salzburg, Austria

Tóm tắt

In this paper, heuristic solution techniques for the multi-objective orienteering problem are developed. The motivation stems from the problem of planning individual tourist routes in a city. Each point of interest in a city provides different benefits for different categories (e.g., culture, shopping). Each tourist has different preferences for the different categories when selecting and visiting the points of interests (e.g., museums, churches). Hence, a multi-objective decision situation arises. To determine all the Pareto optimal solutions, two metaheuristic search techniques are developed and applied. We use the Pareto ant colony optimization algorithm and extend the design of the variable neighborhood search method to the multi-objective case. Both methods are hybridized with path relinking procedures. The performances of the two algorithms are tested on several benchmark instances as well as on real world instances from different Austrian regions and the cities of Vienna and Padua. The computational results show that both implemented methods are well performing algorithms to solve the multi-objective orienteering problem.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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