Melatonin protects against cisplatin-induced ovarian damage in mice via the MT1 receptor and antioxidant activity†

Biology of Reproduction - Tập 96 Số 6 - Trang 1244-1255 - 2017
Ricássio de Sousa Barberino1, Vanúzia Gonçalves Menezes1, Anita Eugênia Alencar Santos Ribeiro2, Raimundo C. Palheta2, Xuejun Jiang3, Johan Smitz4, Maria Helena Tavares de Matos1
1Nucleus of Biotechnology Applied to Ovarian Follicle Development, Federal University of São Francisco Valley – UNIVASF, Petrolina, Brazil
2Laboratory of Veterinary Pharmacology, Department of Veterinary Medicine, Federal University of São Francisco Valley – UNIVASF, Petrolina, Brazil
3Cell Biology Program, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, USA
4Follicle Biology Laboratory, Free University Brussels-VUB, Brussels, Belgium

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