Melanoma of unknown origin: a case series
Tóm tắt
The natural history of metastatic melanoma involving lymph nodes, in the absence of a known primary site (cutaneous, ocular or mucosal) has, to date, been poorly defined; and the optimal management of this rare subtype of disease is therefore unclear. Melanomas of unknown primary site (MUP) are estimated to comprise between 3.7 and 6% of all melanomas (Anbari et al. in Cancer 79:1861–1821, 1997). Between 2002 and 2007, 478 patients were treated for melanoma in our department in Cork University Hospital, five of whom presented with MUP. We discuss their cases herein. We should continue to treat this cohort of patients with an aggressive surgical approach and consider them for adjuvant therapies currently used to treat stage III disease.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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