Mechanistic Study of the NO + NH4NO3 Reaction on H- and Fe/H-BEA Zeolites Using 15N and 18O Labeled Species
Tóm tắt
Reduction of NO by NH3 over metal-promoted zeolites represents the principal reaction in the selective catalytic reduction (SCR) technology for NOx removal from Diesel engine exhausts. It has been established that addition of ammonium nitrate (AN) to the reaction mixture substantially enhances the rate of this reaction, decreasing the temperature necessary for an efficient deNOx process. Nevertheless, the nature of this effect has not been completely elucidated. To investigate the NO + AN reaction mechanism, we have used individual reactants labeled with either 15N or 18O (or both isotopes), thus obtaining an experimental background for proposing the route of the SCR accelerated by AN addition. For this study, we have used as the catalysts H-BEA and Fe/H-BEA zeolites with various Si/Al ratios and various amounts and states of the iron species.
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