Mechanism of the Change in the Structural, Chemical, and Technological Properties of Eudialyte upon Combined Energy Effects
Tóm tắt
The mechanism of change in the structural, chemical, physicochemical, and technological properties of Lavozero-deposit eudialyte, caused by the effect of high-voltage nanosecond pulses and combined (sequential) electropulse and acid treatment of mineral samples, is studied by means of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, electrophoretic light scattering (zeta-potential), confocal laser scanning microscopy, microhardness testing, etc. The results show it is possible in principle to use pulsed energy and combined physical and physicochemical effects to improve the effectiveness of disintegration and softening, and to alter the hydrophobicity, sorption activity, and technological properties of eudialyte-group rock-forming minerals.
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