Mechanical properties of commercial rapid prototyping materials
Tóm tắt
– This paper aims to relate to the study of mechanical properties of materials used in rapid prototyping (RP).
– Comparison of mechanical properties of commercial RP materials. The study of the literature was the essential source of obtaining the results necessary to complete the evaluations and to determine the property ranges.
– Specifications of mechanical properties collected in one paper about mechanical properties and anisotropy enable to define limitations for prototype properties.
– The study is limited to accessible data concerning materials from manufacturers’ offers.
– The study is particularly useful in the RP methods application.
– The obtained study of mechanical properties makes a quick analysis possible. This article also includes the guideline for design engineers, which determines RP method suitability to create functional prototypes of the machines. Mechanical properties of materials have been adopted as a criterion.
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Tài liệu tham khảo
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