Measuring socioemotional wealth in family-owned and -managed firms: A validation and short form of the FIBER Scale

Journal of Family Business Strategy - Tập 7 - Trang 133-148 - 2016
Jana Hauck1, Julia Suess-Reyes2, Susanne Beck3, Reinhard Prügl1, Hermann Frank2
1Zeppelin University Friedrichshafen Institute for Family Entrepreneurship (FIF) & Chair of Innovation, Technology & Entrepreneurship, Am Seemooser Horn 20, 88045 Friedrichshafen, Germany
2WU Vienna University of Economics and Business, Research Institute for Family Business, Welthandelsplatz 1, 1020 Vienna, Austria
3Zeppelin University Chair of Marketing & Consumer Behavior & Friedrichshafen Institute for Family Entrepreneurship (FIF), Am Seemooser Horn 20, 88045 Friedrichshafen, Germany

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