Measurement of Gibbs energies of formation of CoF2 and MnF2 using a new composite dispersed solid electrolyte
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Gibbs energies of formation of CoF2 and MnF2 have been measured in the temperature range from 700 to 1100 K using Al2O3-dispersed CaF2 solid electrolyte and Ni+NiF2 as the reference electrode. The dispersed solid electrolyte has higher conductivity than pure CaF2 thus permitting accurate measurements at lower temperatures. However, to prevent reaction between Al2O3 in the solid electrolyte and NiF2 (or CoF2) at the electrode, the dispersed solid electrolyte was coated with pure CaF2, thus creating a composite structure. The free energies of formation of CoF2 and MnF2 are (± 1700) J mol−1; {fx37-1} The third law analysis gives the enthalpy of formation of solid CoF2 as ΔH° (298·15 K) = −672·69 (± 0·1) kJ mol−1, which compares with a value of −671·5 (± 4) kJ mol−1 given in Janaf tables. For solid MnF2, ΔH°(298·15 K) = − 854·97 (± 0·13) kJ mol−1, which is significantly different from a value of −803·3 kJ mol−1 given in the compilation by Barinet al.
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