Marine hyperpycnal flows: initiation, behavior and related deposits. A review

Marine and Petroleum Geology - Tập 20 Số 6-8 - Trang 861-882 - 2003
Thierry Mulder1, James P. M. Syvitski2, Sébastien Migeon3, Jean‐Claude Faugères1, Jean‐Claude Sibuet4
1Département de Géologie et d'Océanographie, UMR 5805 EPOC, Université Bordeaux I, Avenue des Facultés, 33405 Talence cedex, France,
2Department of Geological Sciences and Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research, University of Colorado, Box 450, Boulder, CO 80309-0450, USA
3Geological Survey of Canada Atlantic, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, P.O. Box 1000, Dartmouth, NS, Canada B2Y4A2
4IFREMER DRO/GM, BP 70, 29280 Plouzané, France

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