Magnetic and Electronic Properties of Fe0.1Sc0.9N/ScN(001)/MgO(001) Films Grown by Radio-Frequency Molecular Beam Epitaxy

Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 1198 - Trang 42-47 - 2009
Costel Constantin1, Kangkang Wang2, Abhijit Chinchore2, Han-Jong Chia3, John Markert3, Arthur R. Smith2
1Department of Physics, Seton Hall University, South Orange, USA
2Nanoscale & Quantum Phenomena Institute, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Ohio University, Athens, USA
3Department of Physics, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, USA

Tóm tắt

Fe0.1Sc0.9N with a thickness of ˜~ 380 nm was grown on top of a ScN(001) buffer layer of ˜~ 50 nm, grown on MgO(001) substrate by radio-frequency N-plasma molecular beam epitaxy (rf-MBE). The buffer layer was grown at TS ˜~ 800 °C, whereas the Fe0.1Sc0.9N(001) film was grown at TS ~˜ 420 °C. In-situ reflection high-energy electron diffraction measurements show that the Fe0.1Sc0.9N film growth starts with a combination of spotty and streaky pattern [indicative of a combination of smooth and rough surface]. After ˜~ 10 minutes of growth, the pattern converts to a spotty one [indicative of a rough surface]. Towards the end of the Fe0.1Sc0.9N film growth, the spotty patterns transform into even spottier, but also ring-like indicating a polycrystalline behavior. Superconducting quantum interference device magnetic measurements show a ferromagnetic to paramagnetic transition of TC ˜~ 370–380 K. We calculated a magnetic moment per atom of μ(Fe0.1Sc0.9N) = 0.037 Bohr magneton/Fe-atom. Based on the carrier concentration measurements (nS (Fe0.1Sc0.9N) = 2.086 × 1019 /cm3), we find that iron behaves as an acceptor. Comparisons are made with similar MnScN (001)/ScN(001)/MgO(001) system.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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