Magnesium Sulfate Treatment Improves Outcome in Patients with Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: A Meta-analysis Study
Tóm tắt
The objective of this study was to elucidate the role of magnesium sulfate in patients with subarachnoid hemorrhagic (SAH) brain injury. Studies for the meta-analysis were identified from PubMed (1966–2009), Embase (1980–2009), and two Chinese journals (1989–2009). Paper selection was based on randomized controlled trials comparing magnesium sulfate to placebo treatment in patients with SAH. Two independent review authors extracted the data and assessed trial quality. Meta-analysis was performed using the Cochrane Review Manager software. Five trials involving 482 patients were included in the review. Magnesium sulfate reduced the risk of poor outcome and reduced the occurrence of delayed cerebral ischemia. In the treatment groups, relative risk for poor outcome was 0.73 (CI 0.57–0.93) and 0.66 (CI 0.47–0.92) for delayed cerebral ischemia. Case fatality assessment at 3 to 6 months did not show statistically significant data (relative risk 0.88, CI 0.61–1.29). Magnesium sulfate appears to be an effective treatment option in the management of SAH. Further clinical trials are needed before magnesium sulfate can become a routine treatment for SAH.
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