Lunar Mineralogical Spectrometer on Chang’E-5 Mission

Space Science Reviews - Tập 218 - Trang 1-22 - 2022
Rui Xu1, Chunlai Li1, Liyin Yuan1, Gang Lv1, Sheng Xu1, Feifei Li1, Jian Jin1, Zhendong Wang1, Wei Pan1, Rong Wang1, Meizhu Wang1, Jianan Xie1, Jie Yang1, Jianyu Wang1, Zhiping He1
1Key Laboratory of Space Active Opto-electronics Technology, Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, China

Tóm tắt

The Lunar Mineralogical Spectrometer (LMS) is one of the main payloads on the Chang’E-5 (CE-5) lunar probe, belonging to the China Lunar Exploration Program. The scientific objective of the LMS is to explore the mineralogical composition and search for evidence of -OH/H2O in the sampling area. The LMS consists of an optomechanism unit, a dustproof calibration unit (DPCU) and an electronic unit. The LMS is installed on the lander about 1.4-m above the lunar surface, the field of view (FOV) is $4.17\times 4.17^{\circ }$ , the instant FOV of the visible imaging channel is 0.28 mrad, and the typical spatial resolution is 0.56 mm/pixel @ 2 m distance. The rotation range of the 2D scanner is $\pm 22.5^{\circ}$ along the azimuth axis and $0\sim 30^{\circ }$ along the elevation axis, making it possible to observe the sampling area or to select important observing targets. The dispersing beam uses acousto-optic tunable filters, and target detection is performed with a 2D scanner. The LMS acquires spectral imaging information covering 480–950 nm, and reflectance spectra of 900–3,200-nm, both at a 5-nm/band sampling interval. The spectral resolution is $2.4\sim 9.4\text{ nm}$ in the visible and near-infrared channels and $7.6\sim 24.9\text{ nm}$ in the short–medium-wave infrared channel. The LMS has a 588-band detection capability designed for fine spectral observation of sampling points and wields a 20-band full-view multi-spectral mode to observe candidate areas prior to sampling. The DPCU of the LMS is integrated with a calibration diffuser that is used for in-flight calibration on the lunar surface using solar irradiation, thus improving the quantitative level of scientific data.

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