Loss of splice consensus signal is responsible for the removal of the entire CH1 domain of the functional camel IGG2A heavy-chain antibodies11This work was supported by the VLIR, VIB and FGWO.

Molecular Immunology - Tập 36 Số 8 - Trang 515-524 - 1999
Viet Khong Nguyen1, R. Hamers2, Lode Wyns2, Serge Muyldermans2
1Department of Ultrastructure, Vlaams Interuniversitair Instituut voor Biotechnologie, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium.
2Department Ultrastructure, Vlaams Interuniversitair Instituut voor Biotechnologie, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Paardenstraat 65, B-1640, Sint Genesius Rode, Belgium

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