Longitudinal stiffness and thermal conductivity of twisted carbon nanoribbons

European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids - Tập 80 - Trang 103920 - 2020
A.V. Savin1, E.A. Korznikova2,3, A.M. Krivtsov4,5, S.V. Dmitriev2,6
1N.N. Semenov Federal Research Center for Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Science (FRCCP RAS), Moscow, 119991, Russia
2Institute for Metals Superplasticity Problems of RAS, 39 Khalturin St., Ufa, 450001, Russia
3Ufa state aviation technical university, 12 Karl Marx st., Ufa 450008, Russia
4Peter the Great Saint Petersburg Polytechnical University, Polytechnicheskaya Street 29, Saint Petersburg, Russia
5Institute for Problems in Mechanical Engineering RAS, Bolshoy pr. V.O. 61, Saint Petersburg, Russia
6National Research Tomsk State University, 36 Lenin Prospekt, Tomsk 634050, Russia

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