Long-term outcome of the use of OKT3 to treat steroid-resistant acute renal allograft rejection

Peter A. Rowe1, Kin S. Fan1, D. Stuart Gardiner2, Stuart G. Macpherson1, J. Andrew Bradley1, R. Stuart C. Rodger1, Brian J. R. Jonor1, J. Douglas Briggs1
1Renal Unit, Western Infirmary, Glasgow, UK
2Department of Pathology, Western Infirmary, Glasgow, UK

Tóm tắt

OKT3 was used to treat steroid-resistant acute renal allograft refection in 30 of 496 adult patients transplanted over a 6-year period. Rejection was reversed (defined as a fall in serum creatinine by 50% or more within 30 days of treatment with OKT3) in 40% of cases. Successful reversal was significantly more likely when rejection occurred shortly after transplantation (t ratio-2.53; P=0.019). The long-term outcome was disappointing; the actuarial graft survival at 1 year from the start of treatment with OKT3 was 42%, and no grafts have thus far survived longer than 3 years. Graft survival was horter in older patients (coefficient/standard error 2.226; P<0.05), and no other predictor of long-term outcome was identified. Patient survival at 3 years was 88%. Serious infection occurred in 33% of patients, with two deaths. Our experience suggests that treatment with OKT3 is unlikely to reverse acute renal allograft rejection in more than half of patients where rejection is resistant to steroids. Although long-term graft survival occurred in a few cases, the overall long-term outcome was disappointing, particularly in older patients. Finally, our analysis indicates the difficulty of predicting which patients will derive long-term benefit when OKT3 is used to treat steroidresistant rejection.

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Tài liệu tham khảo

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