Long distance scrambling in Japanese
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This paper examines the nature of scrambling in Japanese in the light of Webelhuth (1989) and Mahajan (1989). Webelhuth proposes that scrambling is uniformly movement to a third type of position, the non-operation/non-A position, and that this position has the binding properties of both A and A′ (operator) positions. Mahajan does not recognize the third type of position, and argues that clause-internal scrambling can be either A or A′ movement, while “long distance” scrambling is necessarily A′ movement. I argue in this paper that these two apparently inconsistent hypotheses are both necessary for the analysis of scrambling in Japanese. As evidence for Webelhuth's hypothesis, I show that unlike wh-movement, scrambling need not establish a semantically significant operator-variable relation. Then, I argue that Mahajan's hypothesis, based on the A/A′ dichotomy, is also needed to account for the distinction between clause-internal scrambling and “long distance” scrambling with respect to anaphor binding. Finally, adopting Tada's (1990) proposal that non-operator/non-A positions are licensed at S-structure but not at LF, I suggest that a modified version of Webelhuth's hypothesis applies at S-structure, and Mahajan's hypothesis applies at LF.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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