Locally contextualizing understandings of depression, the EPDS, and PHQ-9 among a sample of postpartum women living with HIV in Malawi

Journal of Affective Disorders - Tập 281 - Trang 958-966 - 2021
Bryna J. Harrington1,2, Laura Limarzi Klyn3, Laura Ruegsegger4, Annie Thom3, Allan Jumbe3, Madalitso Maliwichi3, Melissa Stockton5,2, Christopher F. Akiba4, Vivian F. Go4, Brian W. Pence4, Joanna Maselko4, Bradley N. Gaynes4, William C. Miller6, Mina C. Hosseinipour3,4
1The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Dept. of Gynecology and Obstetrics, USA
2University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
3UNC Project, Malawi
4University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill USA
5Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons Dept. of Psychiatry, USA
6The Ohio State University College of Public Health, USA

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